To serve, strengthen, and send the oppressed peoples of Burma and beyond to ignite their world for Christ!
Our Vision is to see countless oppressed peoples from Burma and beyond to experience freedom in Christ. Chains will fall as they fall deeply in love with Jesus Christ and experience:
a spark of Christ’s love (Serve)
a flame of oneness in Christ (Strengthen)
a fire of revival for the nations (Send)
The majority of our youth are from a persecuted people group in Burma, now Myanmar. All nations are welcome and the movement includes nations such as Mexico, Thailand, Uganda, Rwanda, Romania, Canada, and Nepal. We welcome all who wish to help prepare the body of Christ for Jesus' second coming for His bride, the Church.
We are a youth-led missions movement of God for His Church! We are dedicated to making disciples of all nations, seeking to follow the two great commandments to "Love God and Love Others." We want to give this chosen generation a chance to learn about the Bible, know Jesus in a real way, and to know why they believe what they believe. We exist to help this generation of oppressed peoples from Burma and beyond to play a key role in God's story for His people.
For over 70 years, since their "independence" in 1949, the Karen have been persecuted for being a Christian tribe in a buddhist military-controlled country. The Karen have a remarkable and unique history. In fact, the first missionary from the United States, Adoniram Judson, set sail to India but ended up on the shores of Burma.
We have fostered a biblical community, united amidst diversity, with Christ being the centerpiece. This type of community resembles the early church as recorded in Acts chapter two where they had "everything in common" and not one of God's people was in need. They had sold their possessions and given to the needy. A Spirit-filled culture exists that empowers this called generation of youth to lead their oppressed peoples with boldness into the 1040 window and some of the darkest places on earth. This empowering Spirit-filled culture combined with encouragement from American missionaries, including pastors and founders Matt and John Lewis, allows the families to navigate the ups and downs of life while discovering their unique abilities, gifts and calling from God.
We believe, here at Ignite, that this young generation of oppressed peoples can not only Ignite Burma for Christ but also set the world on fire for Christ! The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. God is calling us to reap the harvest and the time is now. If Burma was reached with the Gospel and buddhism became an afterthought, the country could be used as a missions base to all of the surrounding countries.
In our services, discipleship training, missions training, and bible studies we talk about REAL relevant things facing this generation like God's view and response to sex, addictions, depression, self-image, Identity in Christ, peer pressure, school, and identifying healthy relationships.
We strive to create an environment where teens can feel safe and comfortable to discuss any topic or struggle and know there are people here that will love them and will pray with them.
Our goal is to promote spiritual discipleship, relationships with other youth in the body of Christ, and to provide an open and accepting place for youth to learn, grow, and own their faith. For any questions or more info please contact us at info@igniteministry.org.